Our Mission

More than a coffee lounge, Sixty-six Beans will be a creative haven for Young Adults in the Southern Maryland community. It will serve as an environment where they can express their talents in art by adorning our walls with their masterpieces, or in music by rocking out at an open mic night, while still allowing the locals to feel comfortable either grabbing a drink to go or kicking back to stay a while.

Sixty-six Beans will establish a sense of community with the people in our area through the advertising of other small local businesses and by supplying food and/or beverages for positive outreach programs.

We’ve discovered that greatness is brewed out of serving Fair Trade Organic Coffee. Therefore, we cannot serve our community anything less than that. Fair Trade products raise the standard of living for millions of people around the world. Buying Fair Trade products gives farmers a chance to sell their goods at a fair price. This means that they can cover their cost, support their families and invest in a better future. Our friends at Square One Coffee of Lancaster, PA share these beliefs, and we’ve decided to support them by proudly brewing their custom roasted beans. 

Want a condensed version of all this info to share with friends? Click here to download our brochure.
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